Saturday, April 20, 2013

Always Day Machine

This is a simple circuit that triggers a server command to set the time to morning so you can skip night and always have reasonably bright daylight.

For this circuit you need a command block which can currently only be obtained with the command
/give [playername] 137

You'll want to set the command for the block to
/time set 1000

The redstone from the daylight sensor to the power inversion needs to be exactly the same amount of blocks as shown. If you want to see more sunset you can shorten the length. It is 9 blocks long. If you make it 10 blocks long it will not trip the torch and the command block won't switch on and off.

Of course if you wanted to do this a cooler way you could use a villager. It trips the redstone with a pressure plate on sunset which powers a command block below his little building.

Youtube tutorial

Minecraft 1.5.1